Multimodal Document Management in Radiotherapy, an Update


  • Harald Fahrner Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
  • Stefan Kirrmann Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
  • Mark Gainey Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
  • Marianne Schmucker Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
  • Martin Vogel Head of Development and Engineering Max Planck Institute of Biophysics Frankfurt
  • Felix Ernst Heinemann Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg



Background: In 2013, we presented a study entitled “Multimodal document management in radiotherapy”, demonstrating the excellent routine performance of the system about four years after its initiation by evaluating a sample of n=500 documents. During this time the system saw additional developments and significant improvements: the most important innovative step being the automatic document processing. This has been completely reworked, to minimize staff-machine interaction, to increase processing speed and to further simplify the overall document handling. This improved system has been running practically without any problems for several months. Methods: While reworking the automatic document processing, we have developed algorithms that allow us to transfer documents with varying type, within a single scanning procedure, into our departmental system. The system identifies and corrects for any arbitrary order or rotation of scanned pages. Finally, after the transfer into the departmental system, all documents are in the correct order and they are automatically linked to the respective patient record.  Results: According to our surveys, the error rate of the system, as in the previous version, is 0%. Compared to manual scanning and mapping of documents, we can quantify a 30-fold increase in the processing speed. In spite of these additional and elaborate processes, code optimizations yielded a processing speed increase of 20%. Pre-sorting of the documents (e.g., medical reports, or documents of informed consents) can be completely dispensed with the automated correction for jumbled documents or document rotations. In this manner 25,000 documents are automatically processed each year in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Freiburg. Conclusion: With the methods presented in this study, and some additional bug fixes, and small improvements, automatic document processing of our departmental system was significantly improved without compromising the error rate.

Keywords: Clinic management, documents, workflow, optimisation, efficiency, automation, Mosaiq, oncology informatics


Author Biographies

  • Harald Fahrner, Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
    Harald Fahrner, IT Specialist, employee of Clinical and Administrative Information Technology Department

    Department of Radiation Oncology

    Medical Center - University of Freiburg

  • Stefan Kirrmann, Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
    Stefan Kirrmann, IT Specialist, employee of Clinical and Administrative Information Technology Department

    Department of Radiation Oncology

    Medical Center - University of Freiburg

  • Mark Gainey, Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
    Mark Gainey, physicist PhD, employee of Department of Medical Physics

    Department of Radiation Oncology

    Medical Center - University of Freiburg

  • Marianne Schmucker, Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
    Marianne Schmucker, medical doctor MD, managing senior physician

    Department of Radiation Oncology

    Medical Center - University of Freiburg

  • Martin Vogel, Head of Development and Engineering Max Planck Institute of Biophysics Frankfurt
    Martin, phsicist PhD, Head of Development and Engineering
    Max Planck Institute of Biophysics Frankfurt
  • Felix Ernst Heinemann, Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Center - University of Freiburg
    Felix Heineman, medical computer scientist, medical doctor MD, Head of Clinical and Administrative Information Technology Department

    Department of Radiation Oncology

    Medical Center - University of Freiburg


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Technical Reports / Case Reports

How to Cite

Fahrner, H., Kirrmann, S., Gainey, M., Schmucker, M., Vogel, M., & Heinemann, F. E. (2019). Multimodal Document Management in Radiotherapy, an Update. Journal of Radiation Oncology Informatics, 10(1), 9.