Developing a tool for crowd-sourcing to Verify a Radiation Oncology Ontology: a Summer Project
We have been unable to find a verified, published Radiation Oncology Ontology. We undertook the process of verifying a Radiation Oncology Ontology with a mixture of crowd-sourcing and expert-based approaches to verify relationships in the ontology. We used a natural language based approach to portray concepts and relationships, surveying users to assess the relationships between concepts in the Radiation Oncology ontology. The work used a description of a patient's history expressed in XML. The natural language statements relating concepts are available on a website for verification, and readers are invited to complete the survey at to contribute.
How to Cite
Pratt, J., Pandian, V., Morrison, E., & Miller, A. A. (2017). Developing a tool for crowd-sourcing to Verify a Radiation Oncology Ontology: a Summer Project. Journal of Radiation Oncology Informatics, 6(1), 42–52.
Technical Reports / Case Reports
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